
Customer Testimonials

Delivering the best experience from start to finish is what we pride ourselves on. Happy customers and their happy stories are what keeps the fire inside us burning.

We want to share the love of cycling and want to provide the best experience you can have on two wheels. Here is what a handful of our guests had to say about their epico adventure.

Dolomites Discovery : Iconic Climbs Cycling Tour

Lucy Poole - United Kingdom

Italian Dolomites… wow wow wow!! Booked this trip 2 weeks before going and so glad I did!

– Met the nicest group of people
– Saw the most breathtaking views
– Cycled 650km, climbed 15000 metres, summited x 10 mountains
– Ate delicious Italian food and drank many glasses of aperol spritz
– Made memories that will last a lifetime

Dolomites Discovery : Iconic Climbs Cycling Tour

Ben Newman - United Kingdom

A week’s tour of the Dolomites. Truly epic, 650km of cycling, 15,000m of climbing, great group of people and amazing food & scenery. Loved it.

Dolomites Discovery : Iconic Climbs Cycling Tour

Ciaran Connolly - United Kingdom

What an amazing trip!! Extremely well organised on some of the most beautiful roads I’ve ever cycled and are tour guide went above and beyond the necessary !
Will be using this company again…. already planning next trip 🍷 🏔 🚴 🍝

Dolomites, Italy

Girona Classic Climbs : Europe's Cycling Mecca Tour

Julian - Berlin

Had an amazing time with epico. The support is 10/10 and the tour was so well organised from start to finish. 100% looking forward to another 2023. Maybe this time to one of their other many regions they offer.

Girona Cathedral - Spain

French Alps Traverse: Legendary Climbs Cycling Tour

Jennifer Betras - United States of America

I thoroughly enjoyed the French Alps trip last year and highly recommended it to anyone looking for wonderful time in the mountains. What a week riding my bike!

Panoramic road in French Alps